Post-Operative Physiotherapy Care at Oakridge Physiotherapy

At Oakridge Physiotherapy, we provide specialized post-operative physiotherapy care to help nurture your recovery effectively from orthopaedic injuries. Our dedicated team of physiotherapists understands the unique challenges of post-surgical rehabilitation and is committed to helping you regain mobility, strength, and function.  We can help you with all of your needs including back and neck surgery, shoulder surgery (rotator cuff repair), ankle and foot surgery, and hip and knee surgery.

Specialized Recovery for Total Hip and Knee Replacement Surgery

Our team of professionals have extensive experience dealing with total knee and total hip replacements (TKR and THR).  They help you through the most difficult stages of your recovery and get you on track quickly to ensure you are up and about asap and getting back to the things you love.  Your function and goals are most important.

Personalized Rehabilitation Programs

Your recovery journey starts with a comprehensive assessment to evaluate your current physical condition and specific needs. Based on this assessment, our physiotherapists develop a personalized rehabilitation program that focuses on:

  • Pain Management: Techniques to alleviate post-surgical pain and discomfort.
  • Range of Motion Exercises: Gentle exercises to restore joint mobility and flexibility.
  • Strength Training: Targeted exercises to rebuild muscle strength and support your new joint.
  • Gait Training: Assistance with walking techniques to ensure proper movement patterns and balance.
  • Functional Training: This is all about getting you back to your most favorite activities.  We will ensure your recovery includes activity and sport specific training.

Advanced Therapeutic Techniques

We utilize advanced therapeutic methods and state-of-the-art equipment to support your recovery. Our approach ensures that your rehabilitation is both safe and effective, promoting optimal healing and function with our physiotherapists.

Continuous Support and Progress Evaluation

At Oakridge Physiotherapy, we believe in continuous care and regular progress evaluations. Our team will adjust your treatment plan as needed to ensure you achieve your recovery goals. We provide ongoing support and encouragement throughout your rehabilitation journey.

Get Back to Your Active Life

Recovering from any surgical repair is a significant step towards improving your quality of life. Let Oakridge Physiotherapy guide you through this journey with expert care and personalized treatment. Contact us today to schedule your post-operative physiotherapy assessment and start your path to recovery.

Take a breath;

You are probably reading this because you are in pain, confused about your condition or don’t know what to do. Don’t add anxiety by Googling your symptoms.

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