Leigh Parkinson


Leigh completed his Masters of Physical Therapy at the University of British Columbia. Originally from Australia, Leigh has a unique understanding of the injury and repair processes of the body having completed his PhD in science in Australia and further post-doctoral training in Vancouver prior to his physiotherapy training. He is currently involved in a research project with VGH’s Centre of Hip Health & Mobility and strives to stay up to date with the latest clinical research to provide the best care to his clients.

Leigh believes in continuing education and holds certifications in physiotherapy post-graduate courses including McKenzie Lumbar Spine Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy, Mulligan Mobilizations with Movement, Functional Dry Needling, and Advanced Manual and Manipulative Therapy. He combines this knowledge with a treatment approach of manual therapy, dry needling (IMS) and functional exercise to help his clients reach both their short term and long term goals.

Outside of work Leigh can be found snowboarding in the winter, hiking, scuba diving and heading to the beach in the summer, and travelling when he can. He also keeps fit by heading to the gym, weightlifting and biking around Vancouver.

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